Irrational Numbers

Irrational numbers are numbers that cannot be expressed as a rational number. A rational number is a number that can be expressed as the quotient of two integers, whereas an irrational number cannot be so expressed. For example, the square root of 2 cannot be written as the quotient of Read more…

Times Table Grid

Using a times table grid can boost multiplication agility. Rather than relying on a calculator or memory, children can work on the grid with a times table worksheet. The grid provides the students with all possible combinations of the numbers in a row, ranging from one to twelve. The worksheets Read more…

6 Times Table

Knowing the 6 times table is essential for completing fractional, decimal, and percentage calculations. By memorizing the table, you can answer questions like “which table contains 42?” by referring to the product of each row of the 6th table. Besides, it can help you understand patterns of multiples of six. Read more…